Cop Girl

Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #13
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #12
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #11
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #10
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #9
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #8
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #7
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #6
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #5
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #4
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #3
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #2
Fantasy. Cop Girl. Image #1

I groaned.
“What’s wrong, Hon?” Norma asked, coming out of the kitchen where she was preparing supper to peer over my shoulder where I was sitting at the small dining room table with papers spread out before me.
“It’s these bills!” I said, my head in my hands, “I don’t know how we’ll ever pay them all! And the credit cards! They’re almost maxed out! I can’t work any more overtime at the office, they don’t have any to give me!”
“Oh, you poor dear!” she said, massaging my shoulders, “I wish I could help…hey, wait a sec!”
“What,” I said deadpan, raising my head, a woeful look on my face that I could feel, “Did you find a chest of gold doubloons in the backyard?”
“No, silly! I was downtown this morning while you were at work, doing the grocery shopping, and when I walked past the police department I noticed a flyer posted outside. They need recruits!”
“Huh? What in the world are you talking about, Norma?”
“The cops!” she said, “They need more cops! Maybe I’ll apply!”
“You?” I said, snorting, “You couldn’t even lift a…one of those batons they carry, less a gun! Don’t be ridiculous!”
Looking huffy, Norma stood back and put her hands on her narrow hips.
The flyer said men or women could apply, between the ages of 19 and 25! It’s an experimental program, I think it said, and the pay was pretty good! Darling, Joe, we need the money!”
I just looked at her, then at the dozen or more bills spread out before me, some past due. We had nothing in the bank, our parents were barely making it with their Social Security checks, my pride as the bread winner wouldn’t let me ask either my parents or my in-laws to dip into their IRAs…
Pulling Norma unto my lap, I kissed her.
“Are you sure, Hon? Police work can be dangerous, you know…”
“In this sleepy little burg?” she laughed, her slim arms around my neck as she got comfortable on my lap, “The riskiest thing I’d be doing is writing a parking ticket!”
“Yeah,” I said, my hand sliding under her housedress unto her warm thigh, “I guess you’re right.”


“What do you think, how do I look?” Norma asked a week later when I went to see her at the police station during my lunch hour. My office building was only two blocks away from the police station.

“Whoa!” I said, looking her up and down, “That’s a strange-looking uniform! Why all the skin?”
“I’m not sure,” she admitted, “They gave us a written test, which I passed, and then I had to sit in a room where a bunch of strange lights flashed on and off for about ten minutes after I drank a vitamin enriched glass of orange juice. After that they said I qualified for the candidate training and gave me this uniform! It’s sort of strange, but I already know a lot of police procedures! I think those lights were some kind of schooling!”
“You look kind of hot, Norma,” I said, “Can you bring that uniform home?”
She laughed, “Is that all you think about, Joe?”
“Ha, look who’s talking!”
She embraced me and whispered in my ear, “I’ll see if they let me, you horny boy, you!”
We talked a while and then I had to get back to work and so did she. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, after all, I thought, and we sure could use the extra paycheck!


Now that we both worked, our time together was reduced, and we were both tired after working hard to pay the bills.
Alternating the household chores helped, and Norma and I usually flopped down on the bed around ten or eleven each night, falling asleep almost immediately, making love maybe once a week.
She’d tell me about her training, which to my surprise was quite extensive, but she seemed to like the hand to hand combat classes and the classroom lectures on police tactical, operational and citizen encounters procedures and the laws of the city and state.
“It’s all so fascinating, Joe!” she said one day before she left for work, to which she now jogged, after drinking the special protein shake she brought home every day, part of the experimental training, she said, after giving me a kiss, “I’ll see you tonight!”

“Have a great day, Babe!” I said, before grabbing my briefcase, locking the door and heading for the car in the driveway. I looked up, but Norma was already out of sight, “Wow, she runs fast!” I murmured.
About three days later I went to a deli I liked to get a sandwich for lunch, and there was Norma, watching me from an old warehouse!

“Hey, Hon!” I said, walking across the street with my greasy bag and cup of coffee, “What’s going on?”
“I’ll just give you a warning this time,” she said, “But if you cross the street like that again, without looking, and not at a corner, you’ll get a jay-walking ticket!”
“Are you serious?” I asked, staring lustfully at her tummy.
“I’m afraid so, Joe!” she said, a bit apologetically, “I can’t be a cop and show favorites! They’d kick me off the force before I even started!”
“Okay,” I said, “I won’t do it again. Hey, you want half of my sandwich? Are you on lunch?”
“Uh-uh, I’m on a ten mile run, training! I just took a break when I spotted you!”
“Ten miles! No wonder you’re dressed like that!”
“Yeah,” she said with a gesture, “This isn’t my normal uniform, “I’m still a rookie!” she smiled.
“You look great!” I said, “Maybe tonight we can…you know…”
“It’s a date!” she said with an impish smile, “But right now I gotta’ run, literally! See ya!”
And she took off, sprinting easily down the block.
“Ten miles,” I said, “This is some weird-ass cop training!”
And then, things started getting even weirder!
I was getting in the car after work the same day, and here came Norma!
“Hey there,” she said, kind of sassy.
I turned from where I was inserting the key in the door lock, and just gawped.

“Ho --- holy cow, Norma! Where --- where did those abs come from, and…geez Louise, is your chest bigger!?”
“Don’t get your panties in a bunch, Joe!” she said, waving my surprise off with a laugh, “It’s all part of the program, I just burned a little fat off on my run, that’s all! As for my chest, well, I’ve been hitting the bench press in the police gym sort of hard lately, I guess it’s starting to pay off. You’re not complaining, are you?”
I watched her swagger up to me, her chest deliberately out, and I gulped.
“Heck no!” I said, for some reason feeling myself blushing.
“I didn’t think so!” she said, putting a gloved hand behind my head and kissing me, letting me feel the new strength in her arm.
“Wow!” I said after, “That was…intense!”
“See you in a few,” she said, turning away, “Is it my turn to cook?”
“No, me today,” I said.
“Good! Make a lot of food, I’m famished!”
She trotted away, towards the station.
“This is getting even stranger!” I thought.


The next week Norma came home later each day, usually after I’d already hit the sack.
“What’s going on?” I’d mumble.
She’d cuddle next to me and whisper in my ear, “Just some high-intensity conditioning,” she’d whisper, “Over soon, Babe, don’t worry, go back to sleep!”
But the one day she didn’t leave for work before I got up opened my eyes so wide I thought they’d roll out of the sockets and down my cheeks!
“Morning, Joe,” she said, “I graduate next week! I’m at the top of my class!”

“Oh. My. Freaking. Gaaaaawdddd!” I cried.
“Oh, come on, it’s not that extreme. So I put on a little muscle, so what?”
“A. LITTLE. Muscle! My God, Norma, you…you’re huge!”
“It’s all just part of the program, Joe, the new breed of policewoman. You’ll get used to it in no time! I need it for the job, you know! I have to get to work, Honey!”
She picked me up under my armpits. Did I mention that she was about four inches taller??? She kissed me, making my toes curl, put me down, and started off down the sidewalk, towards the police station, leaving me stunned and stupefied.
I barely made it to work on time, I was so upset, planning on going down to the station at lunch and demand that Norma quit, return to being a normal housewife, we’d pay the bills somehow, I’d figure it out!
But when I got there, she was just about to go on patrol with another cop, wearing yet another uniform that made her even more intimidating!

“I can’t stop and chat, Joe,” she told me gruffly, looking down at my cringing figure, for she’d somehow between breakfast and lunch grown a couple more inches taller than me, and if her half-blouse baring that incredible six-pack wasn’t intimidating enough, those snug shorts flaunting her powerful leg muscles had me shaking with fear. Where had my slim, weak as a kitten little wife gone to? “We’re going cruising, testing the efficacy of the uniform! I see it’s had a daunting effect on you, which is encouraging!”
She turned away and got into the passenger seat of a cruiser. With a squeal of burning rubber, off it went.
“I should never have let her join!” I said, clenching my teeth and raising my fist to the sky.


From then on, things accelerated. By that I mean Norma became bigger, more bossy every day, and totally in charge of – everything!
“Make sure we have spare ribs tonight!” she’d say, “And lots of them! These muscles don’t grow from air, you know! They have to be fed!”

And off she’d go to work. I had to do my own job, and now all the shopping and house cleaning too.
The one, or two, good things were that with two paychecks the bills were steadily being paid off, and the other benefit was the sex!
Norma had turned into a sex maniac!
As soon as she strode in the door she’d order me to start removing her uniform and worship every one of her muscles, which were bigger and stronger every day, until I had her panting with lust. Then, naked, she’d rip my clothes off and carry me into the bedroom as if I weighed no more than a child. The things we did there were wild, beyond anything I’d ever thought of before. It’s amazing what a woman who is three times stronger than you can do!
Then off to work she’d go the next morning, in one uniform or the other, her arms larger, her thighs more powerful, her chest greater, her swagger more arrogant.

“No one messes with me, Joe!” she said, “One look at this body and the crooks pee their pants! On top of that, I’m a crack shot! I could part your hair at 300 yards! Ha, ha, ha!”
Norma was a one-woman force now. She patrolled alone, and crime in our little burg had dropped to near zero.
The experiment was a roaring success. Whatever drugs and hypnotic conditioning they’d used on my wife was now up for bid at every major and minor police station in the country.
And it only worked on women!
“That’s right, Little Joe,” Norma said one day, her new name for me, for she towered above me by over a foot, “From now on police forces across the nation will be 90 percent female! The ‘boys’ will stay in the office at their desks, writing reports and getting us big girls coffee and donuts! Ha, ha!”
She flexed her biceps and laughed as I couldn’t help but wince at her display of power.
“Don’t worry, little husband, as long as you obey the law you have nothing to worry about! And I’m the law, so who do you obey?!”
“You, Norma, I obey you!” I said.
“That’s right!”

Norma took me to the range one day to show me how good of a shot she was. I think her arms were about 23 or 24 inches at the time, or ten inches of rock hard muscle bigger than mine. As for the rest of her body, I won’t even estimate!

“If you can quit staring at my ass long enough, I’ll show you how to use a pistol,” she said, not unkindly, for she knew full well what the sight of her fanny in those short-shorts did to men, and some women!
“Yes, Dear!” I said humbly.
“If you can get a single Bulls-Eye, Joe,” she said, “I’ll let you squeeze my biceps while I flex them as long as you want, you know, until your hands get sore, what do you say?”
“Really?!” I said, my eyes lighting up. By this time I was totally infatuated with Norma’s huge, sexy muscles. I needed both hands to circle one of her biceps.
“Really,” she said, patting me on the head as I stared up at her like a love-sick puppy dog. She was 18 inches taller than me at this point.
She handed me a 44 Magnum with an eight and three eighth inch long barrel, fully loaded, and laughed as my arm drooped.
“Hold it with both hands,” she said, coming behind me and pressing herself against my back so she could reach around and show me what to do. I was in Heaven.


Not long after our firearms lesson (I got a Bulls-Eye so we had to wait until my sore hand muscles felt better), Norma took me on a ride-along.
“Just do what I say!” she ordered.

“Yes, Norma!” I said, staring up at her, wow, was she ever a hunkette of pure feminine irresistible power and might! I mentally took back every former objection I’d ever vocally or silently voiced about her joining the police force, fearing if she ever found out she’d break me in half like a rotten tooth-pick.
She unlocked the police cruiser and I got in the passenger side, then the car tilted down to the left as she heaved her 300 pounds of muscle into the driver’s seat and we took off leaving rubber.
“You should watch the street for criminal activity instead of the sinews flowing under the tight skin of my arms,” she said, staring out the windshield.
“Oops, sorry!” I said, averting my eyes.
“Now you’re staring at my quads!” she said, shaking her head, “You’re hopeless, Joe! All you can do is think about my muscles!”
“I’m afraid so,” I mumbled, sinking down on the seat.
After a spin around the town, Norma pulled under an overpass.
“Get out,” she said, “No one dares even jay-walk with me on patrol!”
I got out and so did my wife.
“How about a gun show, Babe?” she asked, flexing, making me gasp.

“You like that, don’t you?” she asked, taking my hand and leading me to what seemed to be an abandoned building, making me feel like a little boy being guided by his huge mother.
I nodded.
“I rented this place by pure intimidation,” Norma said, opening the door, “It’s all ours, Joe! Now…start undressing me, and worship every one of my big, incredibly strong, super-hard, bulging muscles like your very life depended on it!”
I gulped, and then I dug in, never flinching in my duties as a husband!


“This is it, Joe,” Norma announced shortly thereafter, “The official uniform of the Female Police Force! It’ll be worn across the nation by women after they’ve gone through the same training program I have! I’m the head of our town’s police force now! I’m allowed to recruit one other woman, that’s more than enough for this town, the rest of the force will be made up of men. I’ve already contacted your younger sister and she’s eager to start!”

“Agnes?!” I said, staring up at Norma, thinking of my freckled, red-headed, pig-tailed 18 year old, skinny as a whip sister, “She’s coming here to be a…policewoman!!!???”
“Yeah,” Norma said, hoisting me up on one of her shoulders, “Won’t that be a hoot?”